Monday, 9 September 2019


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As evening fell, the sun began to cast shadows over the community Festshalle, in front of which gathered"throngs of people who had journeyed from places all over the earth where art was loved and cherished" (Sinclair 1).1 As they shuffled through the monumental entrance, some of the elegant visitors glanced up at "Dalcroze's eye": the comforting yin cheap sex toys yang symbol hung above the portal and was still easily discernable in the half obscurity created by the setting sun (Bie 369).2 The symbol's flowing, simple black and white curves reminded visitors of the moral goals of the pedagogical province they were entering, and its shared cultural ideals of an organic community based on rhythm, harmony, graciousness, and simplicity.3 Visitors may have slid their hands briefly along the cold, "naked" face of the noble building while passing like toy soldiers through the majestic porticos and into the foyer, where bustling flea market stalls were set up selling the various products of Hellerau's artists and craftsmen (Giertz 164).4 Glancing perhaps at the goods for sale, they would have eventually wandered on into the vast, rectangular, main hall, where they would have been met by a startling, glowing light.5 Never before had these visitors entered a room like this, which was not artificially lit, but rather acted itself as a lighting body, diffusing light equally in every direction, recreating what seemed like natural daylight.6 Described as "objective, neither cold, nor hot, but rather of a marvelously living consistency with an imperceptible dynamism" (Appia 206; original), this light created a "milky ambiance" or "elysian atmosphere," and caused visitors to feel as if the "fresh air of the Greek sky [had been technically transposed] into the northern night" (Appia 212; original). Puzzled by the lack of an elevated stage, and curious as to why the lights were not dimming, the audience moved towards the steep risers arranged at one end of the room "as in a harsh amphitheater, with no balconies or boxes" (Marsop 373; original). dildos male fleshlight I was beginning to feel light headed. I couldn't put faces with any of the names. I reached across the counter to gather the items she laid there. Measure oats into a food processor or liquidiser. Whiz to a fine powder. Add flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and salt and whizz to mix male fleshlight.